Articles Archives - Lucky Dip Crystals Crystal Scoops Fri, 23 Sep 2022 05:53:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Articles Archives - Lucky Dip Crystals 32 32 Healing Crystals are Making Waves — Here’s How to Use Them Wed, 21 Sep 2022 02:11:21 +0000 Crystals, like the jewelry they are so frequently made into, are meant to be beautiful and fun. Building a set of crystals is the perfect first step for a baby witch, and seasoned occultists regularly add new stones to their collections. There are black tourmaline stones for protection, baby pink rose quartz stones for self-love, […]

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Crystals, like the jewelry they are so frequently made into, are meant to be beautiful and fun. Building a set of crystals is the perfect first step for a baby witch, and seasoned occultists regularly add new stones to their collections. There are black tourmaline stones for protection, baby pink rose quartz stones for self-love, and bright yellow citrine crystals for abundance, among others. Some healing-crystal fans turn to them for anxiety; others for relaxation, calmness, and clarity.

However, there’s also been a lot of talk about the ethics of dropping hundreds or even thousands of dollars on crystals. Many rituals around these precious stones can be traced directly back to indigenous cultures and weren’t meant to be accessible only to the rich. Thankfully, with these types of practices experiencing a surge in popularity, there are more ways than ever to find quality and affordable crystals. “There’s a lot of crystals people are buying and they don’t know where they come from,” says Paul Mastor, who runs the ethically sourced Cali Crystal Company, along with the directory Black Crystals Matter with his wife, Fabiola. “As a Black man, I noticed that a lot of Black-owned crystal businesses were having a hard time. My wife and I started Black Crystals Matter and started re-posting Black-owned crystal businesses for free.”

It’s important to know the roots of these rituals we’re engaging in, and also understand which crystals are most powerful for each intention. Here’s your no-bullshit guide to what every beginner should know about crystals, as well as insight on how to develop a practice and your own crystal collection for under $20. “It’s like going to a farmer’s market. Shop small. Shop local. It’s a great way to connect with the seller and ask, where do your crystals come from? If your vendor can’t answer that question, don’t shop with that vendor,” says Fabiola Mastor.

So, what are crystals, and why are they powerful?

Crystals are naturally occurring rock formations valued for their unique shape, texture, and luminosity. Ancient civilizations incorporated crystals into daily life, integrating them into rituals, medicine, and even beauty routines. For instance, the Egyptians thought that rose quartz would help the wearer look young.

They still have a major role in our society: Many technological products — including satellites, cell phones, televisions, watches, and computers — contain crystal components used for their abilities to convert electrical impulses or for their optic properties. They’re also used in beauty products and cultural ceremonies. The diamond, for instance, has come to symbolize eternal love and, therefore, is a popular stone for engagement rings. Because diamonds, the solid form of the element carbon, are so hard, they are also embedded in saw blades, drill bits, and grinding wheels. Once upon a time, such technology would certainly be considered magic.

Though these energetic minerals are powerful, they’re not super rare, so cost shouldn’t be prohibitive. If you purchase your crystals wholesale or from honest retailers as opposed to high-margin, lifestyle brands, you’ll likely find incredible deals. Because so much of the witchy fun we have today is derived from indigenous cultures, it’s also a good move to purchase from POC-owned businesses whenever possible.

Crystal healing holds that the magic of crystals derives from their structural compositions. It’s believed that the energy of the crystal flows through the geometry of the stone and that different crystals produce various healing energies. Under pressure, they generate energy and we can use them to identify, raise, and direct energy to a targeted source. Does this sound familiar? This is the fundamental premise of spell work. Since crystals naturally mirror our innate power, they are extremely dynamic manifestation tools. When we infuse a crystal with spiritual intention, we create a symbiotic bond with it. The crystal, charged with energy, can independently create transformation.

How do l work with crystals?

While modern uses for crystals range from beauty to technology, let’s talk about uses these beautiful gems as part of a spiritual practice. Though crystal healing can seem confusing and arcane, it’s very easy to begin. Ultimately, working with crystals is an extension of spell-casting, which means the key ingredient will always be your unique energy.

Think of a USB flash drive. These devices are designed to take on, store, and transfer information. Crystals function the same way. In fact, over the past several years, researchers have developed a tiny disk, nicknamed the “Superman memory crystal,” on which files are written in fused quartz. Each of these discs can reportedly store up to 360 terabytes of data for up to 14 billion years. Likewise, it is believed that crystals can be programmed (“attuned”) to receive, absorb, and transfer emotions. You can attune your crystal for a variety of purposes; it can promote wisdom, wellness, love, or prosperity.

Before you attune your crystal, however, you have to be sure to reset its vibrations. Cleanse your crystal by washing it with water, or cleansing it with the smoke of sage or Palo Santo: Simply light your bundle of choice and pass the crystal through the smoke. You can also bury it in the soil for a while (a potted plant works) or leave it out under a full moon.

When your cleared crystal is ready to be programmed, hold it in your hand, close your eyes, and speak your intention. Repeat your manifestation, visualize your goals, and feel the crystal absorbing your energy. Trust your intuition — you’ll know when the energetic transfer is complete.

Now that the energy is stored in this physical form, you can decide how you’d like to engage its power. Some healers like to keep their crystals close by in a pocket or purse, while others only take them out for rituals such as full moon ceremonies. You may decide that you want to keep your crystal in one permanent location, such as on a windowsill or in the corner of a room. However you decide to engage with it, always be mindful of its radiance.

Your crystals may even adopt their own personalities. This is all part of the fun, so don’t be afraid to embrace these powerful properties. Though any crystal can be activated with magical intuition, over the centuries some minerals have developed strong associations with specific manifestations.

How do l select the right crystals for me?

Crystal healers often say that you don’t choose the crystal, the crystal chooses you. In fact, your deep dive into crystal work begins with the selection process. If you plan to purchase your mineral in person from a brick-and-mortar shop, let your intuition guide your acquisition. Walk over to the crystal and stone area, close your eyes, and run your hands over the cool, smooth forms. “You don’t decide which crystals you want. The crystals decide for you,” explains Paul.

Now, consider your intention: What would you like to harness? Focusing on your manifestation, squeeze the different crystals and stones in your hand. Observe your physical and emotional sensations. Is your palm building heat? Are you feeling energized? Tranquil? Remember, there is no hierarchy of divination tools. Choose the mineral that tantalizes your soul.

Alternatively, if you would prefer to purchase your crystal online, explore the intrinsic properties of the crystals. To find the mineral that best suits your intention, match its inherent function to your manifestation. You’ll love these time-honored minerals, but you’ll also relish the prices: No divination tool should put you in debt. Crystals should make your life easier, not more stressful. Below are five terrific choices for those beginning their crystal practice.

Clear Quartz

Known as the “Master Healer,” clear quartz is both powerful and versatile. It easily absorbs frequencies and magnifies magical intentions, so it can be used for healing or simply to increase positive vibrations. Clear quartz is also an all-purpose crystal that can be used in place of others. “Clear quartz is known as the master healer crystal. Basically, it’s an all-around must-have for anyone who wants to get into crystals,” Paul tells Allure, noting that clear quartz can also enhance the power of other crystals. Simply hold it in your hands and concentrate on your desires, whether protection, love, or abundance.

Image may contain: Nature, Crystal, Outdoors, Ice, Accessories, Accessory, Jewelry, Human, Person, Diamond, and Gemstone


This distinctive purple crystal helps you tap into your psychic powers and access a higher state of consciousness. Additionally, amethyst offers protection by clearing negative energies from a space. Historically, amethyst is known for healing psychological pain. It’s often worn over the heart during times of sadness, as a small and beautiful talisman to fight the demons of anxiety. It’s also associated with psychic abilities and dreams. Both Paul and Fabiola say that they experience enhanced dreams, and dream recall while wearing amethyst necklaces.

Image may contain: Crystal, Mineral, Jewelry, Accessories, Accessory, Gemstone, Ornament, Amethyst, Quartz, and Diamond

Rose Quartz

This calming mineral symbolizes love and harmony. Rose quartz can be used for welcoming new romance or easing existing relationship trouble: Its soothing powers encourage us to open our hearts, embrace passion, and celebrate intimacy. “Rose quartz is a crystal of love, and compassion, and beauty. It’s also used as a crystal of grief for a loved one that has passed or maybe even during a breakup to mourn the loss of an ex-partner [in your life],” Paul says. While red stones usually signify carnal passion, pink stones such as rose quartz work fabulously to infuse a relationship with sweet love. Rose quartz is a wonderful crystal to work with to promote self-love and friendship.

Image may contain: Crystal, Mineral, Food, Egg, and Quartz


Citrine’s dynamic golden hue mirrors the sun’s warm luminosity. Likewise, citrine’s energy is optimistic, creative, and prosperous. This mineral is a powerful manifestation tool: When infused with sunlight, it will radiate your intentions, transforming your dreams into reality. Citrine is a fabulous self-confidence booster. It’s believed that wearing and working with citrine can bring more money, likely because it helps you realize your worth. “Citrine is really good for manifesting abundance, and not just money or material things, but anything that you’re trying to manifest into your life,” says Paul.

Image may contain: Mineral, Crystal, and Quartz

Black Tourmaline

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I Tried Crystal Healing for Stress. Here’s What Happened Tue, 20 Sep 2022 05:33:58 +0000 Neck deep in this hellscape of a year, I’ve found it more difficult than ever to deal with not only the isolation and the insurmountable, collective loss brought on by the pandemic, but also the general expectation to be productive and carry on with daily life as if everything is fine. And if we’re being […]

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Neck deep in this hellscape of a year, I’ve found it more difficult than ever to deal with not only the isolation and the insurmountable, collective loss brought on by the pandemic, but also the general expectation to be productive and carry on with daily life as if everything is fine. And if we’re being honest, the weekend park walks and Zoom happy hours just don’t cut through the drudgery anymore. So in an attempt to find any new avenue for renewing my mental and physical wellbeing, I turned to an ancient practice that promised all of these things and more: crystal healing.

While I have shown a proclivity for certain pseudosciences (read: an unhealthy astrology obsession), I’m still a skeptic in most senses when it comes to anything outside of the empirical realm (very Virgo of me, I know). So I’d never given much serious thought to the stunning little stones said to possess healing abilities—let alone a proper session from a pro.

According to a 2016 study, however, my generation (we’re talking about millennials) is increasingly spurning conventional wellness options in favor of alternative therapies. In that spirit—and in search of any kind of respite from this past year—I tapped a local healer to help me see for myself whether there’s more power to these beautiful crystals than meets the eye.

Note: 5280 encourages you to do your own research and consider consulting with your doctor before engaging in alternative medicine practices.

How Does Crystal Healing Work?

Crystal healing involves placing precious stones on and around a person to clear all of the negative energy that’s worked its way into one’s bodies—that’s right, we have more than just our physical body. Crystal healing works on our mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies, as well. And as Natalie Franks, certified healer and owner of Colorado-based Crystalline Collective, describes it, the goal is to restore balance and harmony throughout these bodies. Franks, who would eventually conduct a healing session on me for this story, works from her shop in Englewood and also travels around the Front Range performing this practice.

“Crystals have a scientifically measurable vibrational frequency that we use in many applications in our world today,” Franks says. Take quartz, for example, which Franks notes is used in high-end watches to ensure precise timekeeping and in microchips for its unmatched storage capabilities. These unique, innate properties of various crystal formations are harnessed for healing, too. When a healer places their hands on those stones, this activates the crystals and transmits the necessary energy, or electricity, from that crystal into a client’s energy body—the field of energy that surrounds each of us, which is composed of our seven chakras and invisible to most of our non-clairvoyant eyes.

Think of the process like you would tuning an instrument—or how a masseuse works their magic for massage therapy.

Natalie Franks of Crystalline Collective. Photo courtesy of Natalie Franks

“When we massage the physical body, we’re releasing toxins and fluids from the muscles and connective tissues,” Franks says, pointing out that massage therapy is aimed at alleviating tension and discomfort in the physical body. “Same is true of the energy body. We walk around and we accumulate [blockages] in our energy body. And crystal healing can bring the relaxed state and the clarity to the energy body to move forward in a clearer mind and a clearer energetic state, [to help us] in how we navigate our lives.”

There is little scientific evidence on the efficacy of crystal healing, though some scientists have suggested the soothing sensations experienced from using crystals are largely the result of a placebo effect. Whether or not the crystal healing truly boils down to the power of science or suggestion, awareness itself does seems to be a major factor that this healing modality hinges upon. As Franks is quick to note for any skeptics: “A person can only benefit from energy healing to the degree that they’re open to receive it.”

Is Crystal Healing Right for Me?

First, we want to make it crystal clear (sorry, I just had to do it!) that you should consult a licensed health care provider if you are experiencing a medical, mental, or emotional condition. But if you’re open and able to try something new, Franks suggests crystal healing for myriad troubles—whether you’re seeking relief from physical pains and chronic inflammation, or mental and emotional ailments like insomnia, anxiety, depression, or simply an overactive mind. She likens crystal healing to any other form of preventative care in that clients don’t just have to come in when something has gone awry.

Franks notes, however, that her mission is not one of intuitive dependence. “My outlook is a holistic one in that I want to assist you on your healing journey,” she says. “My goal is to teach people the tools in these sessions to be able to heal themselves.”

What is Crystal Healing Like?

Franks was very considerate from the beginning of my session with her, asking for explicit consent around certain aspects of the session when I arrived, and going over any physical, mental, or emotional issues beforehand that I wanted to have her address. I noted a few areas of physical distress and told Franks that I’ve also been feeling exhausted, withdrawn, and depressed for some time now—some of these feelings lingering from before the pandemic, but all exacerbated in the last year.

With that information in hand, Franks got right to it. Lying on the table, my session began with some deep-breathing exercises, while she opened my chakras—the main energy centers that correspond with certain nerve bundles or major organs in our body—and became attuned to my energy. My only job was to continue focusing on my deep breathing, essentially entering a meditative state, which naturally made the entire session a pretty relaxing process. She then started laying the basic stones on the areas of my seven chakras: the crown, the third eye, the throat, the heart, the solar plexus, the sacral, and the root chakra.

A client in a crystal healing session with Crystalline Collective. Photo courtesy of Natalie Franks

From here, Franks familiarized herself with my energy body around each of these different chakras, sharing observations with me aloud, including, among many other findings, that I have a very big heart (can I get this in writing?), that I’m very methodical and arguably over analytical in the way I navigate life (can confirm), and that I’m bottling in negative emotions to an extreme extent (getting eerily accurate here).

While Franks was busy pinpointing exactly what made me tick, I fell further into a state of relaxation, and she placed more stones around these areas of my energy body that needed work—in other words, where blockages were occurring, and the flow needed to be restored. (Think throat chakra, for more speaking up and less bottling in, or the flow between my crown and my heart chakra, so as to help me find balance in the way I lead my life with logic and emotion.) The hope is that in restoring the proper flow of my energy body, I can feel less withdrawn and reenergized, and get back to living my life in a clear state of mind, with the good energy flowing in and the negative flowing out.

As Franks spoke, she offered plenty of practical advice for some of these snags in my system. But I must admit, whatever shifts she was initiating in my energy body felt largely undetectable at the time to my untrained mind. The only noticeable phenomenon came toward the end of our session when she dangled a crystal point over certain chakras, which created an immediate warm vibrating sensation through the stones on my body—almost as if someone was just beginning to fry a little egg on my chest.

Franks made some final adjustments to the blocks in my energy body, and as we eased our way out of the session, I sat up feeling like my body had just emerged from a year-long slumber.

Was It Worth It?

Whether or not this session immediately realigned my mental and physical woes, Franks did note that it can take time for the changes to fully integrate. If anything, however, I feel like the experience has made me more self-aware, and brought a sense of clarity to the way I’m handling the stressors in my day-to-day life. Plus, I did get an unusually deep night of sleep after our session, which Franks says is very common.

While it’s tough to say after just one session if crystal healing is worth it, it’s still quite powerful to feel seen and heard by someone without having to say a single word—and I can certainly see how, if you remain open to the process, continuing a journey with the practice would set you forward on a path to create your own peace and wellbeing.

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What Are Healing Crystals And How Should You Use Them? Tue, 20 Sep 2022 05:30:00 +0000 Crystals. Victoria Beckham uses them backstage at her fashion shows. Miranda Kerr places them in her meditation-yoga room. Katy Perry sleeps with one in her hand at night. Having first risen to popularity during the 1970s, crystal healing has made a resurgence in recent years, with the likes of Cara Delevingne, Lena Dunham and Adele […]

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Crystals. Victoria Beckham uses them backstage at her fashion shows. Miranda Kerr places them in her meditation-yoga room. Katy Perry sleeps with one in her hand at night.

Having first risen to popularity during the 1970s, crystal healing has made a resurgence in recent years, with the likes of Cara Delevingne, Lena Dunham and Adele having raved about their calming, fortune bringing and healing properties.

In April 2022 a healing crystal used by artist Andy Warhol in his final days went up for auction, with experts estimating the piece could sell for up to £56,000 ($70,000).

In March 2021, Kate Middleton was spotted on a Zoom call wearing a pair of gold hoops from the brand Missoma, which contained Rhodochrosite. According to the brand, the stone has ‘healing’ properties, with the product description stating: ‘These mini hoops feature a pink heart-based healing crystal that radiates love, compassion and all-around good vibes.’

But when you have celebrities like Spencer Pratt (the blonde guy from The Hills) in recent years having forked out over £380,000 on crystals and collectors claiming they’ve been healed from addictions thanks to a stone’s natural energy, it’s hard to decipher exactly what they do, how they work and whether buying them is just another excuse for the Hollywood elite to spend their money.

In search for answers, we spoke to Devi Brown, founder of wellness brand Karma Bliss, and Morgane Jorge, founder of French-based crystal company Stones Club, to find the truth behind the crystals.

What are healing crystals?

‘Crystal healing is a term that applies to a certain type of therapy which involves placing gem stones on your body or in nearby places to help draw out negative energy. Crystals have existed on earth for millions of years,’ says Brown. ‘They’re a tool which work with your energy field to absorb, focus and direct energies.’

According to Morgane, people have become more aware of crystal practices during the pandemic.

‘The current situation has upset the balance of many people and invites us to question many parameters of our lives,’ she tells us. ‘Taking care of ourselves shouldn’t be limited to taking care of our body or our appearance but it should include emotional balance as well. Stones and crystals are true allies for all those working on improving their well-being in order to live in harmony.’

Where should you keep healing crystals?

‘People put crystals in interesting places but I like to keep them in a bag, which I’ll put in my handbag or pocket, but they also work well when tucked around the house, depending on what they do,’ notes Brown.

‘Another great place to put crystals is on your nightstand because you can feel their energy while you sleep or behind your computer at work. It’s best to keep them in spots where you’re around them for a substantial amount of the day.’

Top Tip: Crystal healer Emma Lucy Knowles suggests keeping a small crystal in your bra to carry the good vibes around with you all day.

Sounds weird, but trust us, it’s a thing.


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Crystals & Gemstones Explained: The Ultimate Guide Mon, 19 Sep 2022 00:35:16 +0000 Since the beginning of time people have been turning to crystals to get their healing fix. These are the treasures of Mother Earth, glittering gems, stones and rock crystals born from elemental energy. In one shimmer, they can capture the sun, moon, salt seas, soil and mountains and they can transmute all that healing power […]

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Since the beginning of time people have been turning to crystals to get their healing fix. These are the treasures of Mother Earth, glittering gems, stones and rock crystals born from elemental energy. In one shimmer, they can capture the sun, moon, salt seas, soil and mountains and they can transmute all that healing power back to us.

Healing crystals have a long history — they have adorned the breastplates of priests and warriors, been used in shamanic service, have been guiding lights for ancient tribes, and have been stashed in the pockets of princesses, sailors, and healers.

In the modern world, these potent stones hold so much power. As time ticks on they only grow more potent and can be a hugely valuable asset for helping us to reconnect to the natural world. They help us to channel our intentions, raise our vibrations, and can bring out all that dormant grace, beauty and magic you already have stashed inside.

Remember, everything in life holds a vibration and if we can match our inner vibrations to the things we want in this world, we may be able to manifest them into our lives. Crystals can help to bridge that gap with their cleansing potential and positive vibrations.

These little glittering stones of magic also invite us to clear the mind, sit in meditation, and ruminate on how we can calm our monkey minds and step into deeper healing.

What Do Crystals Do? 

Sparkling stones, gorgeous gems, and heavenly crystals – for centuries, precious stones have been believed to help you heal. From Clear Quartz to Citrine and the soft lilac shades of Amethyst, there’s no denying that crystals have mystical energy to them. Countless cultures have long believed that certain stones could be used to help with certain ailments.

The ancient Sumerians would use crystals in their spells back in the 4th century BC. The Ancient Greeks and Romans would choose crystals that granted the courage to carry into battle. The Ancient Egyptians would also use healing stones as medicine. The list goes on.

This lore has followed the shimmer of certain stones right up to the present day. Big vibrational energies, chakra aligning powers, and powers that range from protection to self-reflection, the use of crystals has long hallmarked the art of wellness and deep work of healing.

How Do Crystals Work?

Crystals are said to have healing properties as they have high vibrational frequencies. Everything is energy and the belief is that the high vibrations of crystals affect and interact with the body’s own energy field. The high vibrations of a crystal can turn the dial up on your own energy or it can get to work redirecting or channeling energies that can cleanse any blockages in the chakras and bring the body, mind, and soul into alignment.

While the belief in the healing energy of crystals can be traced back thousands of years, Marcel Vogel –  an American new age scientist helped reignite this knowledge in the 20th century thanks to his work on using quartz crystals for therapeutic purposes.

After working for IBM for decades in research and development and creating the first liquid crystal displays for LCDs, he became interested in crystals, energy fields, and vibrations. His pioneering work helped the world to understand that crystals cut into different shapes could hold and exert the universal life energy.

Even for those who are unsure of the scientific evidence behind healing crystals, using the earth’s stones and precious gems to help the body, mind, and soul can be done in a more reflective manner or to trigger the placebo effect.

The crystals you are drawn to, the chakras you want cleansing, and the energy or healing you are seeking – crystals and their healing properties can act as a mirror even when it comes to placebo moods.

They can work to illuminate parts of yourself, connect you with your desires, boost your well-being, and help you to manifest the life you want to live based on all that knowledge.

Healing crystals

What Are Crystals Used For?

Thee are many different ways you can call on the healing vibes of crystals and there isn’t a one size fits all approach when it comes to precious stones. Your journey is totally unique to you whether you want to turn to the power of crystals for chakra alignment, to manifest intentions, to help heal and harmonize the body, or to balance your emotions. Each crystal is utterly unique and brings its own healing properties  – even the color of the crystal plays a part in its healing capabilities. Crystal shapes will also bring different powers and strengths and the method by which you use your crystals matters too. We take a look at some of the different ways in which people are called to use healing gemstones.


Certain crystals have certain strengths and by calling on the healing power of these crystals, you can use them to strengthen and manifest your intentions. Intentions are aims or goals that you want for your life. This could be anything from craving deeper connections to wanting more money and wealth or better mental health, it could be wanting to connect or forgive yourself – to grow your confidence.

It could be wanting to get better focus to achieve a dream or it could be wanting to let go of old wounds and move into a new beginning. By choosing crystals that align with your intentions, you can call on the energy you need to shift and shape that reality.

Chakra Realignment

We have seven energy points across the body and these are known as chakras. These spinning disks of energy can get blocked and using the healing vibrations of crystals can help to shift these blocks and shake out stagnant energy.

Different crystals are connected to different chakras and you can usually use the color of a stone as a good estimate of which chakra it is tied to energetically as chakras are also linked to certain colors.

The seven chakras rise up from root to crown and are; the root chakra (red), the sacral chakra(orange), the solar plexus chakra (yellow), the heart chakra (green), the throat chakra (blue), and the third eye chakra (purple), and the crown chakra (purple).

Physical Ailments

Crystals can be used for healing the body, mind, and soul. When it comes to physical ailments certain crystals may be able to ease health issues. Because some health issues may be exasperated by energetic blockages in the body, the high vibrations of the crystals may be able to shake those out.

Some healing gemstones also have highly soothing energy which can help ease the symptoms associated with stress and anxiety – many of these which can show up in the body and affect the immune system.

Amethyst for example is a great stone for easing headaches and encouraging sleep. Citrine can raise your energy levels thanks to its positive energy. Bloodstone can help with healthy circulation and Aventurine can be used to speed up your recovery after an illness.

Emotional and Psychological Support

Another hugely popular reason that people choose crystals is that they can lend a lot of emotional and psychological support. Healing gemstones can put you in touch with blocked feelings and can soothe and temper frayed nerves. They can also balance big emotions and prevent you from feeling overwhelmed.

Again, different crystals bring different skills when it comes to emotional balance and support. For example, Rose Quartz is a great gem for helping to improve your sense of self-care, healing old wounds, and opening you up to love. Clear Quartz can help bring clarity and understanding, Amethyst calms the mind, and Moonstone balances big hormonal energy.

How to Choose Your Stone

There is a whole world of different crystals and healing gemstones out there. It can seem daunting to know which stone you want to welcome into your world. One of the most important lessons that crystals teach us, is the reminder to tune in and listen to our own intuition and to trust that we have the knowledge we need.

Our body, mind, and soul are all connected and we are made up of energy just like everything in the universe. If we can tap into that power, we can listen to the signs and messages that the world has to show us.

Finding the right crystal means feeling into which ones you are drawn to (or which ones are drawn to you). Even just hearing a crystals name, seeing a picture, or reading a blurb – you may feel a tug deep down inside that is calling you to that exact stone.

Each crystal also comes with its own healing properties. As we sometimes have awareness of our own strengths and weaknesses, we can choose healing crystals based on their specific traits to help guide us.

Another method for choosing crystals could also be turning to the zodiac. Certain crystals work with certain zodiac signs, so having this information can help link you to a set of stones that harmonize in accordance with the stars.

Does the Shape of the Crystal Matter?

The shape of the crystal also brings its own spellbinding energy and can make a difference to how you experience the healing stone and its powers.

  • Point –  a point can be good for directing energy and is often used for manifesting
  • Sphere – a sphere offers full harmonic energy that comes from all sides
  • Cube – a cube has solid grounding energy and creates calm and balance
  • Pyramid – a pyramid connects earth to heaven, its pinnacle sens energy up
  • Tumbled Stones – stones can be easily carried as talismans or placed on chakras

What Do You Do With Crystals Once You Have Them?

Once you have the crystals you want to work with, it helps to know a little about the best ways to use and care for them. Crystals get a kick out of connection and there are many ways to keep these gems activated and working in harmony with all your intentions. Find out how to use your crystals and how to care for them.

Using Your Crystals

Harnessing the power of your crystal can take little work, even just having them on your person can activate and attune them to your energy. You can also use them in more targeted and specific ways. Here are a few ways in which you can use your stones.

  • Wearing crystal jewelry (necklaces, bracelets, etc) is one of the simplest and most effective ways of calling on the power of your crystals. When they have direct contact with the skin, they can help raise your vibrations.
  • Carrying crystals on your person (in your pocket or purse) also carries your intention
  • You can place protective and healing stones in your home or workspace to fill the space with that energy.
  • Hold your crystals during meditation or place them on your yoga mat or altar during spiritual practices.
  • You can build crystal grids for manifestation and protection

Cleansing and Recharging

Keeping your crystal cleansed and charged is all part of crystal connection and ownership. Crystals do big energy work and as they spend time soaking up negative energy, they work better when they have been discharged and recharged from time to time. Again, you can call on your intuition to work out the best time for this but it’s recommended to definitely do it after a big energy session. Here are some methods for cleansing and charging crystals, although not all methods are suitable for all crystals as some are more delicate than others…

  • Hold them under running water for a quick discharge
  • Place them under the light of a full moon and leave them overnight
  • Let them sit in the sun for a few short hours
  • Smudge them with your favorite incense or sage
  • Place them in the company of cleansing gems like Quartz and Selenite

Crystals are incredible and come with many properties that can bring love, light, and healing to your life.

By understanding the basics, calling on your own intuition, and showing a little TLC to these stones, you can elevate your own powers and sense of connection in this world.

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A Beginner’s guide to using healing crystals Fri, 16 Sep 2022 05:24:40 +0000 In turbulent times, many of us harness ways to feel grounded, to calm anxiety and soothe stress, so it’s not surprising that alternative therapies like crystal healing have come to the fore. The concept of using crystals to heal has been around for centuries but, with celebrities such as Victoria Beckham and Miranda Kerr speaking […]

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In turbulent times, many of us harness ways to feel grounded, to calm anxiety and soothe stress, so it’s not surprising that alternative therapies like crystal healing have come to the fore. The concept of using crystals to heal has been around for centuries but, with celebrities such as Victoria Beckham and Miranda Kerr speaking publicly about their belief in the practice, it’s had a more mainstream resurgence in recent years. And, as with most trends reentering the zeitgeist, social media has played a huge part in its popularity – in more ways than one.

“What I have seen these last few years especially is this deeper need to connect,” says crystal healer Emma Lucy Knowles. “I really feel the rise of social media has helped more people rediscover a sense of community as well as a sense of confidence in who they are. But on the other, we have become reliant on that fix, that energy hit from a small computer in our hand that never really fulfils us fully with that nourishing connection that the heart, soul and mind need. So, we seek deeper and scroll further searching in the wrong spaces.”

Cue mother nature “and her abundance of goodies” – from plant power to crystal vibrations – presenting deeper-rooted connections. “Crystals allow us, quite effortlessly, to move fresh energy into the being, offering internal connectivity that enhances your external connectivity,” Knowles says. “More and more people are tuning into how that energy can be beneficial.”

But how does it all work? We spoke to Knowles and other experts in the field to find out everything a beginner needs to know…

What exactly is crystal healing?

Healer Michelle Roques-O’Neil, who has worked with crystals for more than 20 years, explains that “crystals are different combinations of minerals that help purify, balance and realign by working with our bioenergetic systems”.

Judy Hall, in her work, The Little Book of Crystals, writes that crystals are said to “have a stable and unchanging energy pattern, each with a unique frequency and energy field, or resonance” that gives them special properties. As a result, “they act like tuning forks,” helping bring “harmony” to the “very unstable energy field of the human body”.

Put simply, crystal healing involves using gemstones to bring balance to an individual’s life and mind.

The benefits of crystals

The proposed healing benefits of crystals predominantly surround areas of mental wellbeing; including feelings of increased tranquility, positivity and focus, as well as enhanced immunity and natural pain relief.

Individual crystals are also known to have their own special energies that can align to different areas of your life, with their shape and colour – as well as their type – affecting their influence.

The celebrity crystal obsession

Today’s crystal craze has been amplified by the famous and influential, who increasingly share their possession of semi-precious stones and participation in using them for self-care. Adele, for example, has been open about her battle with stage fright before shows and is frequently quoted talking about her use of crystals to calm her nerves. As someone who doesn’t present as particularly ‘woo woo’, her endorsement serves to validate their benefits for those who are crystal-curious but might not be knowledgeable on energetic traditions like acupuncture, yoga or ayurveda.

Victoria Beckham is another A-list fan, telling Allure that she travels with her crystals because she’s “quite a superstitious person”, and reportedly uses them backstage at her fashion shows. “I’ve got all different colours,” she said. Likewise, Naomi Campbell is said to keep black tourmaline and a rose quartz in her bag as symbols of protection and love, while Miranda Kerr quite literally keeps her crystals close to heart.

The most popular crystals

Jade: for health

Properties: longevity, purity, fertility, wisdom, peace

jade gemstones
Getty Images

Jade has long been used to purify the body and has been employed as a healing tool for centuries. Using it either physically on your body – for example in the form of the Psychic Sisters Jade Facial Roller – or as part of a meditative practice, is said to help rid the body of toxins by stimulating the filtration system.

Citrine: for business

Properties: prosperity, creativity, digestion, confidence

Citrine Meaning: Healing Properties & Uses // Tiny Rituals

Citrine is said to be ideal for entrepreneurs with its power to stimulate the brain, increasing self-esteem, motivation and creativity.

Rose Quartz: for love

Properties:love, relationships, friendship, fertility, recovery

Rose Quartz crystal healing
Getty Images

For those seeking feelings of unconditional love, both for others and themselves, rose quartz is a well-known and popular crystal. It is seen to replace negativity with loving energies, opening individuals up to self-forgiveness and trust, while additionally being used with the view to help increase fertility.

Turquoise: for the city

Properties: protection, friendship, love, balance, wisdom, purification

full frame of turquoise semi precious stones for jewelry
Elizabeth FernandezGetty Images

Turquoise is often used to protect against surrounding pollutants or external influences, by enhancing your immune system, and it is meant to have anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects, making it particularly appealing for individuals working in cities. It can stabilise mood swings by aligning the chakras as well, meaning that it’s a popular crystal for calming fears and exhaustion in daunting situations.

Clear Quartz: for healing

Properties: psychic abilities. healing, energy

Clear Quartz crystals
Getty Images

Crystal Quartz is a popular crystal for healing, due to the belief that it is ‘the energetic bridge between our conscious and unconscious minds’. It is said to hold and regulate negative energies to allow for a balanced and revitalised self, boosting one’s internal strength.

Amethyst : for mediation

Properties: healing of mind, body and soul

Amethyst: Meaning, Healing Properties and Powers - A Complete Guide

Amethyst is also believed to have healing powers and is used to relieve stress and sadness, remove negativity, and ease grief. The stone’s use can often be a symbol and source of support, as well as helping focus your mind and reduce the effect of headaches, making meditation easier and more beneficial in the process.

How to choose your crystals

As well as researching crystals that are relevant to your individual concerns, Knowles recommends “choosing your stones from your gut”. This is because “using your senses will drive you to what you need rather than your mind dragging to what it thinks you should.” By working in this way, she suggests, we “energetically reach out for what we need – be it the colour, feel or what we’ve learnt about the stone”.

In terms of colour, in general, dark-coloured crystals tend to focus on safeguarding an individual, with black for protection and brown for cleansing, while white is the colour of purity, and green the shade to choose when seeking moments of calm. In a similar way, pink-coloured stones are said to focus on love, red on energy, and yellow on wealth and plenty.

Crystals that are round are also said to help emit energy equally around them, while those with a point direct positive energy inward or negative energy out from the body (or in both directions if they are pointed at both ends).

How to use crystals

There are various different ways to use crystals, either alone or with a professional healer. When working with a client, Knowles explains that she “lays the crystals along the key chakra line of the [client’s] body to aid in balancing the energy field.” For her, “the chakra – or energy points – in our hands, as well as the third eye (the point between the eyebrows), are the most effective when starting therapy with a ‘beginner’.” This is because the sensations here, such as a buzz or heaviness, are particularly effective and you are less likely to attribute them to a placebo effect.

If you want to start at home, simply choose an individual crystal and then set your intention. This means, as Knowles explains, “deciding upon what it is you want the crystal to aid or promote you in”. In a meditative-like state, hold the crystal in your hand and then focus on your goal, silently repeating a mantra, such as “please help me see my soul purpose” if you are looking to overcome self-doubt.

Knowles feels that, while you can’t really make mistake with crystals, and that “just having them in your pocket, on your desk or in your bathroom brings in a hub of energy”, you need to be sure to give them something to do. “Give the crystal a job or purpose so you can correlate that more with a ‘result’,” she says. “Equally, we have to remember that crystals work with us all so uniquely, so get curious and explore them and, most importantly, have fun in your crystal adventures rather than using them as another tool of self sabotage.”

It is necessary to occasionally cleanse and charge your crystals too, as “much like a sponge, your crystals soak up the remanences of your emotion or day”, instructs Knowles. To do so, “bathe them in cold water before laying them out in the moonlight or on your windowsill during a full moon. When a full moon feels too long away – you can either wash them through or nest them in sand or natural salts.”

Where to keep crystals

You can keep your crystals wherever you wish, but keep them close to you so that they have an effect on the energy around you. For example, Knowles, just like Kerr, likes to keep them on her skin, so that they are always close to her chakras.

Try wearing crystals as part of your jewellery, such as the delicate designs from Missoma, which include rose quartz necklaces designed to be worn over the heart and special birthstone pendants, and Roxanne First’s R.F. Vibes collection of crystal necklaces. Crystal jewellery is designed to work in a similar way to individual crystals and allows you to keep them close.

You can also incorporate crystals into your beauty routine, using a face roller or gua sha made of jade, rose quartz or amethyst to massage and meditate with. And try salt crystals for bathing, or – when soaked in essential oils – for inhalation.

Do you use crystals to heal? Let us know below.

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What’s so special about Quartz crystal? Fri, 16 Sep 2022 00:32:37 +0000 Quartz is one of the most common crystals in our planet’s crust, consisting of chemical elements (Silicon and Oxygen) that are also very common in our piece. But quartz crystals have fascinated humans for centuries, and several industries have important uses for quartz. So what’s so special about it? Quartz mineralogy and history Quartz has […]

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Quartz is one of the most common crystals in our planet’s crust, consisting of chemical elements (Silicon and Oxygen) that are also very common in our piece. But quartz crystals have fascinated humans for centuries, and several industries have important uses for quartz. So what’s so special about it?

Quartz mineralogy and history

Quartz has been known for a long time. In the 3rd century BC, the philosopher Theophrastus called it “kristallos”, the world that gives us the word “crystal” that we use today. The ancient Greek word hinted at solid ice, as Theophrastus thought quartz was a form of supercooled, permanently solidified ice.

You can’t really blame him. Quartz is remarkably transparent (or translucent), although it can also appear in colored varieties (as we’ll see soon enough).

In the 17th century, Danish scientist Nicolas Steno studied quartz, paving the way for our understanding not just of quartz, but of crystallography in general. He figured out that regardless of a quartz crystal’s size or shape, its long prism faces are always joined at a perfect 60° angle. This suggests that all quartz crystals have a similar, repeating structure.

The mineral itself has a relatively simple structure. Its atoms are linked in a continuous network of tetrahedra, with one atom of Silicon and 4 atoms of Oxygen. However, each oxygen is being shared between two tetrahedra (hence the SiO2 chemical formula).

Quartz belongs to a crystal family called the trigonal crystal system, also called the rhombohedral system. The ideal crystal shape is a six-sided prism that terminates with a six-sided pyramid at each end. However, natural crystals that truly follow this shape are rare compared to more common, imperfect crystals. Quartz crystals are often twinned or intergrown with adjacent crystals.

As the second most common mineral in the crust, quartz shows up in all sorts of rocks. Primarily, it appears in granite or other types of igneous rocks. Because it is more resilient to weathering, quartz can also reach sedimentary or metamorphic rocks. In fact, a high presence of quartz is often regarded as a sign of rock “maturity” — a rock that has been weathered for a long time, and quartz is the primary mineral that withstood erosion.

Can you spot the quartz crystals in this granite rock? Hint, they’re not the black, white, or reddish-brown ones — they’re translucent.

You can find quartz in all sorts of rocks, but it is formed in igneous rocks. Silicon dioxide dissolves in magma, but only at high temperatures and pressures; as magma reaches the surface or cools down for another reason, the crystals start to form. The slowerthe magma cools down (if the chemistry is just right), the bigger the crystals. The largest quartz crystal was found in Brazil, measuring over 6 meters in length and weighing almost 40 tons.

More commonly, however, quartz crystals are much smaller, and they can come in various colors as well.

Types of quartz crystals

Citrine, a variety of quartz.

Quartz exists in two forms, the normal α-quartz and the high-temperature β-quartz which only exists when quartz is heated to temperatures of over 500 degrees Celsius. But since most people don’t truly interact with β-quartz, when we think of quartz varieties, we typically talk about color varieties.

Since antiquity, varieties of quartz have been commonly used in the making of jewelry and tools. The Irish called quartz ‘sunstone,’ and across much of Eurasia, quartz was used as a gemstone.

Part of that is the color. Pure quartz is transparent or translucent, as mentioned; but things aren’t often pure in nature. Whenever quartz is impure, it gets colored. Sometimes, the color can be bright violet or indigo, as in the case of amethyst, or yellow, as in the case of citrine (two quartz varieties) — but the color is still owed to the impurities.

Amethyst. Image credits: Ilze Lucero

We have a separate in-depth article about all the pretty types of quartz and the reason they have the colors they do. Notable varieties include rose quartz and smoky quartz.

Not all quartz crystals are perfect and straight; many are not. Here, a rose quartz piece. Image credits: Anton Maksimov.

It should also be said that there are some pseudo-quartz varieties out there. Quartz is a crystalline rock, but varieties that are similar to quartz but also have uncrystallized mass also exist. Chalcedony, for instance, is a variety that contains fine intergrowths of quartz, with small crystals and possibly, some uncrystallized mass. Agate consists of chalcedony and quartz as its primary components. Carnelian, onyx, heliotrope, and jasper are other varieties.

While these can also be colored naturally, it’s not uncommon for sellers to dye them to increase their price and appeal to potential buyers.

Chalcedony. Image credits: Dolní Olešnice.

Using quartz

Quartz is used in billions of devices, from GPS and clocks to smartphones and computers. Its key property that makes it so valuable is piezoelectricity.

This property was discovered by Pierre Curie and his older brother Jacques. Basically, a quartz crystal develops positive and negative charges on opposite prism edges when it is subjected to pressure or tension. Conversely, alternating opposite charges will cause alternating expansion and contraction. Because of this property, it can be used as a pressure gauge or in other applications

Quartz crystals also vibrate at very precise frequencies — so precise that quartz oscillators can be used as accurate time-keepers. This makes them valuable for devices that need to transmit signals with precise and stable frequencies — so pretty much all modern transmitters. Quartz plates are commonly used as frequency control for this purpose. But not all crystals used for this are natural; nowadays, it’s quite the opposite.

By the 1930s, pretty much the entire electronics industry was dependent on quartz crystals. But these crystals came from Brazil, and during WWII, supplies to and from Brazil were heavily disrupted. So increasingly, researchers looked at ways to synthesize quartz. This only increased after the war, and ultimately, by the 1950s, synthesis techniques had become good enough that synthetic quartz crystals could be produced on an industrial scale. Today, virtually all the quartz crystals used in modern electronics are synthetic, because their production and characteristics can be controlled.

Nevertheless, Brazil still sells a lot of quartz, as do China, Japan, and Russia.

Does quartz have healing powers?

A beautiful quartz crystal. Image credits: Dani Costelo.

When Plato was telling the mythical story of Atlantis, he also mentioned crystals in it. According to Plato, the Atlanteans would use crystals to read minds and communicate telepathically. Romans also ascribed magic properties to crystals, but the first historical mention of quartz crystals for esoteric purposes came from Ancient Sumerians, some 3000-4000 years ago.

A variety of cultures throughout history ascribed magical properties to crystals, with various crystals and various shapes and colors being recommended for various things.

If you feel better surrounding yourself with crystals when doing yoga, that’s absolutely fine and you should do that. If you like having crystals in your house, that’s also great.

Crystals, and quartz crystals in particular, have drawn human attention for a very long time. After over a century of study, we know that these crystals truly are remarkable.

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Everything you need to know about healing crystals Fri, 16 Sep 2022 00:21:54 +0000 There are a number of different types of crystals out there. Some people believe they have healing abilities for the mind, body, and soul. In fact, many ancient cultures — including Egypt, Greece, and China — believed that crystals have healing properties. Some people claim that crystals promote the flow of good energy and help […]

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There are a number of different types of crystals out there. Some people believe they have healing abilities for the mind, body, and soul.

In fact, many ancient cultures — including Egypt, Greece, and China — believed that crystals have healing properties.

Some people claim that crystals promote the flow of good energy and help rid your body and mind of negative energy for physical and emotional benefits.

However, it’s important to know that there’s almost no scientific evidence to support the use of crystals.

The science behind crystals

Crystals have largely been dismissed as pseudoscience, although some studies suggest they may offer a placebo effect.

An older study presented at conferences in 1999 and 2001 but not published in a peer-reviewed journal suggested that any healing benefits associated with crystals were most likely a result of the power of suggestion.

For instance, research from 2005Trusted Source from the University of Waterloo in Canada found that a person’s mind may have much more healing power than it’s given credit for.

Still, some people believe it goes deeper than that.

“Crystals are made up of different elements or compounds, which our bodies react to in different ways,” says Sonali Saujani, a crystal master healer. “Crystals are minerals that hold energy, and as we as humans are made up of energy, we can exchange energy with the crystal when we work with it.”

Saujani points out that crystals are used to improve the function of many everyday objects, like watches, plugs, hospital equipment, and lasers.

She cites a 2008 study that states that “quartz can act as a flint to start a fire or generate electricity.”

“If a crystal can be piezoelectric [contain electric charge], I am sure it can do so much more. They balance out electric currents and keep equipment from exploding,” says Saunjani. “In the same way, when it comes to crystals and our body, all they’re doing is balancing out the frequency of the electromagnetic currents in our body.”

Although science doesn’t support crystals as a healing modality, there’s no harm in giving them a try if you have realistic expectations about what they can and can’t do. Crystals should never replace medical treatment from a qualified professional.

How can healing crystals help you?

To help you get started, we compiled a comprehensive roundup of some of the most popular crystals.

Healing crystals for health

  • Clear quartz: a clear crystal considered a master healer and believed to support the entire energetic system
  • Jasper: a nurturing stone said to provide support during times of stress
  • Obsidian: believed to help process emotions and experiences and aid in letting go
  • Amethyst: used for healing, purifying, and enhancing willpower
  • Bloodstone: said to improve circulation and provide support to blood-related issues

Healing crystals for wealth

  • Tiger’s eye: said to provide motivation and lessen fear
  • Citrine: believed to spark enthusiasm, creativity, and concentration
  • Turquoise: thought to soothe emotions and attract good luck
  • Sapphire: known as a stone of prosperity
  • Jade: another well-known stone for prosperity and luck

Healing crystals for love

  • Rose quartz: sometimes referred to as the stone of love and believed to encourage love and trust
  • Moonstone: said to prompt feelings of inner strength and growth
  • Ruby: believed to support sexuality and sensuality

Clear quartz

This white crystal is considered by some to be a master healer.

It’s said to:

  • amplify energy
  • aid concentration and memory
  • help balance your energetic system

This stone is often paired with others like rose quartz to aid and enhance their abilities.


Obsidian is believed to be an intensely protective stone.

It’s said to:

  • shield against physical and emotional negativity
  • get rid of emotional blockages
  • promote the qualities of strength, clarity, and compassion
  • help you find your true sense of self

This stone may also help you digest experiences, emotions, and baggage, leaving you free of negative blockages.

Rose quartz

Just as the color may suggest, this pink stone is all about love.

It’s said to:

  • help restore trust and harmony in relationships
  • enhance connection
  • provide comfort and calm during times of grief
  • encourage love, respect, trust, and self-worth

Who couldn’t use some of that?


This smooth crystal is known as the supreme nurturer.

It’s said to:

  • empower the spirit
  • support you through times of stress by preparing you to fully show up
  • protect you from and absorb negative vibes
  • promote courage, quick thinking, and confidence

These are traits that are extra helpful when tackling important issues, which is exactly what this stone may be good for.


Bring joy, wonder, and enthusiasm to every part of your life with citrine.

It’s said to:

  • help you release negative emotions, like fear and doubt
  • encourage optimism, warmth, motivation, and clarity
  • enhance mindfulness qualities
  • encourage creativity
  • support concentration


This blue crystal is said to help heal the mind, body, and soul.

It’s also said to:

  • be a good luck charm
  • help balance emotions
  • support spiritual groundedness

When it comes to the body, it’s said to represent the respiratory, skeletal, and immune systems.


This purple stone is said to be incredibly protective, healing, and purifying.

It’s also said to:

  • help rid the mind of negative thoughts
  • bring forth humility, sincerity, and spiritual wisdom
  • promote willpower and healthy choices
  • aid sleep and demystify dreams

Tiger’s eye

If you’re in need of a power or motivation boost, this golden stone may be for you.

It’s said to:

  • help rid your mind and body of fear, anxiety, and self-doubt
  • guide you to harmony and balance
  • help you make clear, conscious decisions

This can be beneficial for career aspirations or even matters of the heart.


Moonstone is known for new beginnings.

It’s said to:

  • encourage inner growth and strength
  • soothe feelings of stress and instability when embarking on new ventures
  • help you move forward successfully
  • promote positive thinking, intuition, and inspiration
  • support success and good fortune


This powerful healing stone lives up to its name.

Bloodstone is believed to:

  • draw off negative environmental energies
  • encourage circulation of ideas and energy
  • promote selflessness, creativity, and idealism
  • reduce irritability, aggressiveness, and impatience

Symbolically, bloodstone is associated with blood and blood-related bodily processes, like menstruation.


This blue stone is one of wisdom and royalty.

It’s said to:

  • attract prosperity, happiness, and peace
  • opening the mind to beauty and intuition
  • help with clear seeing
  • promote a positive mood


This striking red stone is a real standout.

It’s said to:

  • restore vitality and energy levels
  • promote sexuality and sensuality
  • support intellectual pursuits
  • bring self-awareness and recognition of truth
How to select your crystal

First things first: Identify what you feel you’re missing before looking into what the stones can provide you. This will help you figure out what’s going on within yourself before depending on outside sources.

From there, just let your intuition choose what’s best for you.

Whether a crystal catches your eye or you feel a physical pull toward one, your inner subconscious will help guide you to the crystal that’s right for you.

Once it’s picked out, you can create the connection you need.

How to care for your crystal

When you first bring your crystal home, experts say you’ll want to cleanse away any negativity it may have picked up.

Depending on the kind of stone, you can:

  • hold it under cold, running water
  • immerse it in sea salt
  • place it in sun or moonlight
  • smudge your crystal with sage or other herbs

Make sure you do your research before getting your crystal wet. Some stones become toxic or dissolve when immersed in water. Check the Mohs Hardness Scale to determine whether your crystal will disintegrate in water.

It’s not just about their physical care, though.

For crystals to work their magic, experts suggest mentally clearing negative energies or any skepticism you may have about their capabilities. According to believers, it’s important to respect what crystals can do for you.

Crystal accessories

Many people believe the main benefit of crystals is their metaphysical abilities. But if we’re being perfectly honest, they’re also really beautiful.

It’s no surprise that people make tons of accessories out of them, like jewelry or home decorations. Not only do they look nice, but a little extra positive energy never hurt anyone.

Prayer beads

Crystal prayer or mala beads are worn against the heart or on the wrist to inspire positive feelings, whether it be hope, courage, or peace. They’re a great way for anyone to carry around the healing powers of crystals.

Prayer beads can also be used during meditation to count repetitions of mantra, or sacred chanting. Practitioners use the main, or guru, bead to keep count.


Jewelry is another great way to incorporate crystals into your daily routine and wardrobe. From rings to necklaces to earrings, there are plenty of options to choose from.

Not to mention it also allows you to showcase each stone’s natural beauty.


These stunning coasters are made from genuine gemstones from Brazil. The agate stone in this household item are believed to help promote balance and harmony within the home. These are ideal for those who want to bring good energies into their abode.

Sex toys

These crystal sex toys are designed to mix their metaphysical energies with your sensual ones. They’re great tools for those who want to try something new with a crystal-infused twist.

Just be sure to skip the yoni eggs.


Believe it or not, you can even smoke out of crystal hand pipes. They’re smooth, easy to use, and sturdy. This makes them a great gift for anyone who uses medical marijuana to manage a health condition.

Water bottles

Cute water bottles are just as trendy as crystals now, so it’s no surprise the two have been merged into one.

In the bottom of these beautiful glass bottles sits a “gem pod.” It’s said to promote everything from wellness and beauty to balance, though their actual benefits are up for debate.

Where to buy crystals

It’s important to buy crystals that are authentic and ethically sourced. Many crystals are overmined, contributing to social and environmental issues in their countries of origin.

Crystals sometimes take thousands of years to form, which means there are only so many to go around.

Ask your crystal seller how their crystals are sourced. They may even be able to provide a certificate of authenticity for very rare crystals.


If you’re already skeptical about these healing crystals, then they likely won’t do you any good. They’re unlikely to do you any harm, though. While there’s no scientific evidence for crystals, that hasn’t stopped people from trying them.

An open mind is key to obtaining the positive qualities these beautiful stones can offer. Whether it’s overall good energy you want or specific healing powers, there’s nothing wrong with giving crystals an honest try. Who knows — you might be pleasantly surprised.

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A Guide to Pink Sapphires Thu, 15 Sep 2022 05:48:27 +0000 What are Pink Sapphires? Although commonly thought of as blue, sapphires naturally occur in a variety of colors including pink, yellow, green and even white. Pink sapphires are stunning gemstones that range from light to dark pink. They can also include secondary hues like purplish pink sapphires and orangey pink stones like the rare Padparadscha […]

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What are Pink Sapphires?

Although commonly thought of as blue, sapphires naturally occur in a variety of colors including pink, yellow, green and even white. Pink sapphires are stunning gemstones that range from light to dark pink. They can also include secondary hues like purplish pink sapphires and orangey pink stones like the rare Padparadscha sapphires.

Pink sapphires belong to the corundum family of minerals. They contain traces of iron, titanium, magnesium, copper and chromium that help determine its color. The higher the chromium content, the deeper the pink hue.

In some cases, it’s difficult to distinguish a pink sapphire from a ruby. Only a gemologist will be able to make this distinction. In the United States, for instance, a minimum color saturation is necessary for a stone to be called a ruby. In other countries, the term ruby is used more loosely.

Pink Sapphire Meaning

Many cultures and people believe pink sapphires hold special power. They symbolize trust, loyalty and sincerity. They’re also believed to carry good fortune and intense love.

The increase in popularity of pink sapphires has sparked the number of pink sapphire engagement rings on the market. Many brides prefer the unique, feminine color to a white diamond or blue sapphire. For weddings with a blush or baby pink color scheme, pink sapphires are the perfect compliment.

To find out what a pink sapphire looks like in an engagement rings, have a look at recently purchased rings from our top-rated retailers.

Where do Pink Sapphires Come From?

The leading producer of natural pink sapphires is Madagascar. Pink sapphires were considered incredibly rare prior to the 1990s when the Madagascar mines were discovered. The quality and quantity of pink sapphires from Madagascar make these gemstones more widely available and affordable. Pink sapphire mines are also present in Myanmar, Sri Lanka and East Africa. A pink sapphire’s place of origin doesn’t usually impact its price or value.

How Rare are Pink Sapphires?

Emerald-Cut Pink Sapphire Ring
Emerald-Cut Pink Sapphire Ring

Until the new deposits in Madagascar were discovered in the 1990s, pink sapphires were considered to be quite rare. Now, these pink gemstones are still rare but more widely available.

Pink sapphires, for example, are much less expensive than pink diamonds.

The cost of pink sapphires varies significantly based on the color, carat and cut of the stone. For example, the stone in this 2.86 carat dark pink sapphire ring from James Allen is $1,180, while this lighter pink 2.0 carat stone also from James Allen costs $910.

What to Look for in a Pink Sapphire

Buying a sapphire of any color is less technical than buying a diamond. Like other precious gemstones, the beauty of a pink sapphire is largely dependent on its color.

You’ll also want to consider the Cut, Clarity, Carat and Shape as you determine which pink sapphire to buy.


Pink sapphires range in color from pale pink to vivid magenta. The most prized pink sapphires carry a rich pink hue with purple overtones, like this 9 Carat ring from James Allen.

While diamonds have an elaborate, standardized color-grading scale, sapphires don’t have a common system for evaluating color. This lack of uniformity makes it more difficult to compare two pink sapphires.

Instead, it’s best to use your own judgment about which pink sapphire appears most vibrant and beautiful to you, whether that’s a brighter pink or a darker gemstone. In general, though, the richer the sapphire’s color, the higher the price tag will be.

It’s important to know that many pink sapphires undergo heat treatment to soften their purple overtones. Entirely natural, untreated pink sapphires are quite rare. A certificate will come with these natural stones to prove it. So unlike other colored sapphires, like blue ones, heat-treat pink sapphires are more acceptable.

The Padparadscha Sapphire

Besides the renowned blue sapphire, the Padparadscha sapphire is a highly desirable gemstone. This extremely rare and sought-after orangey pink sapphire was originally found in a Sri Lankan mine.

Padparadscha sapphires like this selection from Leibish & Co. can fetch over $20,000 per carat! The name comes from the Sanskrit/Sihalese word “padma raga,” which means “lotus color,” as the gemstone’s color resembles that of a lotus flower.


The shape of your gemstone should be primarily based on personal preference and style. Pink sapphires are cut in everything from Round and Oval to Cushion Cut and Pear.

Review a range of engagement ring styles before settling on your shape.


Clarity grading is a more general process for sapphires than with diamonds—and it doesn’t have as much impact on the stone’s value, either.

Gemologists use 10x magnification to inspect a diamond’s inclusions. Colored gemstones, on the other hand, are reviewed with a careful non-magnified examination. Most importantly, we look to see if the gemstone is “eye-clean” to the naked eye. The cleaner the stone, the higher the price tag.

It’s highly unlikely to find a pink sapphire without any blemishes or inclusions, though. If there are no imperfections in the stone, gemologists suspect the sapphire was treated or is fake. As we explain in our ruby article, all sapphires have rutile needles or “silk.”

If possible, though, we recommend finding a pink sapphire with a clarity grade in the VS (Very Slightly included) or VVS (Very Very Slightly Included) range.

Note: Most pink sapphires on the market today are heat-treated to improve their clarity and color. If they aren’t treated at all, they can be sold for large prices.


Cut is a critical component of any diamond or gemstone’s beauty. With pink sapphires, however, there aren’t standardized cut options like there are with diamonds. You can choose an “ideal” cut to showcase a diamond’s color and fire. However, with sapphires—and most colored gemstones—we rely on the gem cutter to maximize the individual sapphire’s unique combination of clarity, color and brilliance.

In general, well-cut sapphires are symmetrical and reflect light at the proper angles to enhance the stone’s luster. Usually, gem cutters opt for a deeper cut if the pink sapphire carries a light tone. The deep cut makes the stone appear to have a richer, darker color. The opposite is also true: if the sapphire is very dark, the gem cutter may choose a shallow cut to bring more light in and soften the overall look of the stone.

If the pink sapphire is poorly cut, it will appear dull and lifeless. Skilled cutters take all of these elements into consideration, as well as the inclusions and blemishes. Imperfections, for example, are more apparent in lighter colored stones.

Carat Weight

Like shape, carat weight is dependent on your personal style and budget. While carat weight is important to some wearers, we recommend focusing on the overall beauty and color of a pink sapphire rather than trying to achieve a certain carat weight.

You can find a stunning pink sapphire at a smaller carat weight, like this emerald-cut pink sapphire double halo engagement ring from Blue Nile. You can also find incredible pink sapphires at larger weights, like this 2.59 oval sapphire ring from James Allen.

Where to Buy a Pink Sapphire

Pink Sapphire and Diamond Floral Stud Earrings

Because color is such a critical factor in a pink sapphire’s beauty, you’ll want to purchase your gemstone from a vendor who offers high-quality photos. Before purchasing, you need to evaluate the stone’s hue, tone and saturation.

You also want to ensure you’re buying from a reputable company, which is why we suggest buying a pink sapphire from one of the vendors below.

Through our years of experience in the industry, we’ve vetted several diamond and gemstone dealers. We have a consistent pulse on the companies you can trust.

For the best sapphires at an exceptional value, we recommend:

James Allen

  • Provides high-tech photography (the best in the business) for their pink sapphire collection
  • Offers appealing prices on gemstones and diamonds
  • Focuses on an excellent customer experience

Blue Nile

  • Maintains a beautiful collection of pink sapphire jewelry
  • Emphasizes remarkable gemstone and jewelry quality
  • Offers the largest online inventory of diamonds and settings

Leibish & Co.

  • Carries an extensive inventory of colored gemstone jewelry
  • Known for their stunning, well-built settings
  • Offers competitive prices for rare gemstones

Tips for Buying a Pink Sapphire Engagement Ring

After Princess Diana received an 18 carat sapphire and diamond engagement ring from Prince Charles in 1981, sapphires have become increasingly popular as center stones in engagement rings.

Pink sapphires have several unique characteristics that set them apart from diamonds and other gemstones, making them worth considering if you want an engagement ring that’s a little unique and special:

  • First, a pink sapphire can look incredible as an engagement ring center stone. Thanks to its delicate color and feminine appearance, it’s an eye-catching stone that can really set an engagement ring apart from the crowd.
  • Second, pink sapphires are affordable. While a high quality 1.5 carat round diamond will cost $6,000 or more, a beautiful pink sapphire such as this stunning 1.48 carat sapphire from James Allen can be purchased for less than $1,800.This means that if you’re on a budget, you can choose an elegant, impressive center stone that has real presence on your fiancé-to-be’s finger. If you’re not on a budget, it also allows you to splash on a more unique and elegant setting.
  • Third, pink sapphires are surprisingly easy to buy. Although you’ll still need to pay some attention to the four Cs, factors like a sapphire’s color and clarity aren’t quite as big of a deal as they are for a diamond.

Although buying a pink sapphire engagement ring isn’t quite as complicated as shopping for a diamond ring, there are still several factors that you’ll want to pay attention to.

Oval Pink Sapphire and Diamond Ring
Oval Pink Sapphire and Diamond Ring

It’s important to choose a setting that complements the sapphire. Pink sapphires can be set in white gold, yellow gold, rose gold or platinum. All of these metals complement a pink sapphire nicely, albeit with their own unique characteristics:

  • White gold and platinum emphasize the vivid color of the pink sapphire, making them good choices if you want the gemstone’s color to really shine and stand out.
  • Yellow and rose gold can give the ring a warmer appearance with less visual contrast between the setting and the stone.

Pink sapphires look fantastic in halo settings, in which the center stone is surrounded by a loop of smaller diamonds. Because pink sapphire is considerably less expensive than a diamond of the same size, choosing an eye-catching, beautiful halo setting is more affordable.

For example, this stunning pink sapphire halo engagement ring in 14K white gold from Blue Nile features a full loop of round diamonds surrounding the center stone, making the pink sapphire appear even more beautiful.

This gorgeous oval cut pink sapphire engagement ring from James Allen also features a full loop of diamonds, as well as a pavé band. The smaller diamonds surrounding the pink sapphire emphasize its color and size, adding to its appearance.

For something simple, beautiful and timeless, a pink sapphire can look fantastic set in a solitaire engagement ring. This 1.34 carat pink sapphire solitaire engagement ring from James Allen is a beautiful ring that shows the vivid pink gemstone without any distractions.

As we mentioned above, color is a critical factor in a pink sapphire’s beauty. Because of this, it helps a lot to buy from a vendor that offers high-resolution, flawless quality photos of their pink sapphires.

When it comes to photos, James Allen is by far the best vendor online. Make sure you view the close-up photo of the gemstone for pre-made rings (to view it, click the thumbnail of the stone in the image of the engagement ring). If you’re browsing on your phone, check that the brightness setting is high enough that you can see the sapphire’s color accurately.

Finally, choose a pink sapphire and setting that suits you and your partner’s personality. From shape to carat weight and setting, the best engagement ring is always one that matches your tastes as a couple, and pink sapphire is no exception.

The post A Guide to Pink Sapphires appeared first on Lucky Dip Crystals.

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